The draught-proofing of sash windows is without doubt a ‘significant energy saving measure’. This means it will not only reduce the heat loss around your windows (helping to lower energy bills and increase comfort) but its installation is also zero-rated for VAT. Installing a modern draft-proofing system that’s not only effective, economic and long lasting, but is also elegant, has been at the heart of our business since we began.
Aside to any remedial work which may be required to the woodwork of your windows, our standard service is to install a complete draught-proofing system to your sash windows, with the following features and benefits:
A New Two-piece Parting Bead (1)
Mid & Bottom Rail (2 and 4)
Staff Bead (3)
Note 1: the weather-stripping we use is carefully selected to suit varying widths of gaps. It meets all requirements of BS 7386 Specification for Draught-strips for draught control of existing doors and windows in housing. It is also silicone treated to repel water and is ultra-violet stabilised.
Note 2: we can also draught-proof casement windows and doors. We’ve developed a smart and effective system which gives a full perimeter seal and can eliminate draughts from perimeter gaps of up to 9mm. Beyond that the solution would require a timber plant-on to reduce the gap before fitting the system.